Coffee Grinders & The Best Way to Grind It

Choosing the best coffee grinder is as important as finalizing the right taste of your coffee. Yes, that’s right! What if I tell you that rather than buying those hi-fi machines and glorified beans it is more important to invest right in coffee makers. Because, if you are reading this correct — the oil present in the beans should be extracted evenly for a consistent rich taste in the coffee.

What about the size?

Grind size relates to the thick or thin grounds and both are used for different purposes. Thicker ones are used for drip/pour-overs/French press and thin ones are used to producing expresso, Turkish coffees, etc.

What about the consistency?

Consistency must drive through the purpose and execution of your grinder. It is important to choose the right grinder that can grind at multiple sizes. Different brewing methods require different sizes because the size of the grind will directly relate to the water passing through the grind. You will be able to offer different variants of coffee according to the different likeliness of different people.

Also, consistency in terms of producing the right size is equally important in preserving the right taste of your coffee. If your grinder is producing different sizes in one batch, it will impossible for you to acquire the desired taste.

Notable Mentions:

  • Cutting it short — burr coffee grinders are better, they produce a uniform result across multiple batches. Giving us rich and even taste. Therefore, the desired result in blade coffee grinders is kinda mediocre to the burr ones.
  • Try the different grinders at your nearby sore to have a more exact idea about the taste itself.

Automatic or Manual

  • Automatic grinders will save you both time and effort! They are comfortable to use, providing multiple functions. So, if you tend to run late, automatic ones are your best bet.
  • Manual grinders, on the other hand, may take more time and effort to grind the same batch as automatic ones, but! (yes, there is always a but) manual grinders will produce the desired taste you were looking forward to.


In the end, it is you who will have to decide on buying the automatic one or the manual. But, here is a list of some best-rated coffee grinders available to make your morning coffee even better.


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